As you may or may not realize, I live in Vancouver, Canada. I was in the market yesterday shopping for the weekly groceries and while in the produce section came to an interesting realization. I was searching and searching (clearly I must have looked like a lost sheep) when the produce guy asked me if he could help me find something. "Oh," I said. "I'm just looking for the organic potatoes." "There aren't any." he said.
Well, I don't know about you, but this seemed very strange to me. I certainly have had times where I couldn't find certain organic fruits or vegetables depending on the time of year but potatoes??? Anyway, he explained to me that it was out of season locally and they couldn't import the ones from the US because they didn't meet Canadian organic standards. This is the part that gave me pause. Apparently the USDA Organic standards are much lower than the Canadian standards. Hmmmmm?
I think I am going to do some searching and find out what the differences are. I am used to label reading but I always thought that when something was labeled "Organic" it was supposed to be "Organic". I know....I am naive.
Just thought I'd point it out to everyone so that we all start doing some investigating. If the USDA has created this helpful label, shouldn't it be true? This needs to be remedied!
Thanks for listening,
potato-less Kasandra
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