Not sure about the "godliness" part but I do find a certain peace in a clean house. Not an ammonia and bleach smelling clean but just a mostly dust free, dirt removed, things in their place, clean. I have this whole weekend off and I'm looking forward to opening up all the windows and doors, letting the sea breeze in and cleaning the house. It always feels so healthy and relaxing.
I enjoy doing it. For my own piece of mind. For a healthy atmosphere for my family. For the sense of peace and calm it brings.
Tomorrow, I'll start the weekend with a sense of purpose. Not obligation. Coming from a place of love, not resentment.
Then, on Sunday, we'll have a family day at the beach or a picnic or just relaxing on the patio and enjoying the beautiful day.
May you all have the same beauty in your weekend.
Lots of Love!
A place for vegetarian moms to talk about their trials and tribulations living in the modern fast food world; to share ideas, anecdotes, recipes, money saving tips, gripes and joys.

About Me
- Kasandra
- Albuquerque, NM, United States
- Just a freelance working vegetarian mom. I thought it would be fun to create a place where vegetarian moms can share their ideas, recipes, good places to shop, money saving ideas and funny stories.
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Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Resist the temptation
I haven't posted in a while. Got a job in May and disappeared from the planet. Happens sometimes. I thought it would be good for me to get into the habit of posting regularly again. The thing about my job is that it tends to take over. The eternal struggle for me is to hold on to the stuff I want to be getting done without over-extending my energy. It's real easy to just sit back and let work take over. So, getting stuff done.
I've gotten good at juggling the kids, nanny, mother-in-law, husband, dog and household in general with work......years of practice. The thing I am not good at is taking care of myself.
I'm guessing I am not the only mom with this problem. At my work, a bit different than most, all of the food is provided. We are surrounded by food. The problem: It's mostly junk. Even the catering at lunch is very lacking in the vegetarian department. (Vegetarian option today: Fettucini Alfredo) If I succumb to the temptations, you'll have to roll me out of this place come October. Don't even get me started on the organic situation. There's just nothing.
Solution #1: Bring my own food. This cuts into my time a bit but well worth it.
Solution #2: Exercise a little bit each day. I sit at a desk for 10 hours everyday. Even if it means just walking the dog when I get home. I little bit goes a long way.
Solution #3: Water! I fill a jug from my amazing water filter and bring the water with me to work. My mission is to finish the jug each day before I leave the office.
Solution #4: Counting calories. I know it sounds silly but keeping track of what I eat is the best way for me to make sure I don't do the mindless snacking that comes with working alot of hours under high stress and a kitchen full of chips, candies, cookies, crackers, cheese and other easily consumed goodies. I found a great app for my phone that helps me keep track so I am utilizing it.
Well, I think I've rambled enough. I'll keep you posted on where I am with it.
Thanks for listening!
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